1. Use the scroll bars at the side of the card(s) to scroll up and down.
2. If a command features a hyphenated command such as: COMMAND-SHIFT-3, you are to hold down the Command, Shift, and 3 keys simultaneously.
3. You can add your own information to the stacks. If you add information to the stacks be sure to Compact the Stack. First go to the User Preferences Card and set your user level to scripting. Then launch (open) the stack you wish to compact. When the first card of the stack is on the screen click on the Show MenuBar button (top right of card). When the menu bar is showing hold down the COMMAND key while you pull down the File menu. Select Protect Stack and a dialog box will come up. In the dialog box select Scripting, now all the menus will show up. Close the dialog box and go to the File menu and select Compact stack. I have noticed that the stacks tend to grow with use and/or the adding of information. Those of you running HyperCard on floppy disks may run out of room more rapidly than you realize so it is a good idea to Compact Stack now and then. As far as I can tell password protected stacks do not grow. I have password protected two of the stacks. The Apple Sac information stack and the Home card stack. There is no reason for you to add information to these two stacks so I thought it best that I "protect" them.
4. Hit the Home button to go back to the Home card.
(You must have the Browse tool, the "hand" from the Tools menu, selected.)
6. If you hit the NEW button and did not wish to create a new card, pull down the Edit menu and select Cut Card.
7. If you wish to flip rapidly through the cards in a stack, click on the Quick View button located next to the Home (castle button).
8. The arrow button located at the far right of the card will take you back to the last CARD you looked at.